Gay Bradshaw, PhD, PhD
Gay Bradshaw, PhD, PhD
Executive Director of the Kerulos Center

Gay Arndt Bradshaw PhD, PhD is the Executive Director of the Kerulos Center whose work is based on the principle of science and spirit in service to animals. She holds doctorate degrees in ecology and psychology and has published, taught, and lectured widely in the U.S. and internationally. She is the author of Elephants on the Edge: What Animals Teach Us about Humanity as well as extensive popular, scientific and peer reviewed publications.

Dr. Bradshaw's work established the field of trans-species psychology, focusing on the theory and methods for the study and care of animal psychological well-being and multi-species cultures. Her research expertise includes the effects of captivity and trauma on chimpanzees, elephants, and parrots. Her research has been featured in diverse media including the New York Times, Time Magazine, National Geographic, Smithsonian, The London Times, ABC’s 20/20, and several documentary films.

Publications (brief sampling)

Bradshaw, G.A. In press. Animal Ways. In Women, Social Justice, and Animal Advocacy: Exposing and Dismantling Systems of Oppression.” L. Kemmerer, (ed.). University of Illinois Press.

Capaldo, T. and G.A. Bradshaw. 2012. The Bioethics of Great Ape Well Being: Psychiatric Injury and Duty of Care. Journal of Animal Ethics. Animals and Society Institute, policy paper.

Bradshaw, G.A. 2010. We, Matata: Bicultural Living amongst Apes, Spring, 83, 161-183.

Bradshaw, G.A. et al. 2009. Developmental Context Effects on Bicultural Post-Trauma Self-Repair in Chimpanzees. Developmental Psychology, 45, 1376-1388.

Bradshaw, G.A. et al. 2008. Building an Inner Sanctuary: Trauma-Induced Symptoms in Nonhuman Great Apes. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation. 9(1); p. 9-34.

Bradshaw, G.A., and R. M. Sapolsky. 2006. Mirror, Mirror. American Scientist, 94(6), 487-489.

Bradshaw, G.A, Schore, A.N., Brown, J Poole, J. and Moss, C.J. 2005. Elephant Breakdown. Nature, 433, 807.

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