April 1, 2012 • Posted in Related News
New England Supporters Mark Your Calendars
Bernie Rollin, Ph.D., will present a lecture on “Ethical Challenges of Animal Research” on Tuesday, April 3rd, at 7:30 pm in the Behrakis Auditorium at the Tufts University School of Medicine. Behrakis Auditorium is located within the Jaharis Family Center,150 Harrison Ave, Boston. |
Worcester VegFest NEAVS will be hosting a table at the Worcester VegFest to raise awareness about the use of animals in research and testing. We will be showcasing our latest international campaign for a global ban on cosmetic testing on animals and updating you on all the exciting accomplishments being made on behalf of chimpanzees in labs and the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act. The VegFest is a free festival celebrating vegetarianism and features socially responsible businesses, inspiring speakers, performers, and free samples of vegan food and products. Join us on Sunday, April 15th, 11am–5pm at Worcester Technical HS (1 Skyline Drive, Worcester, MA 01605). |