Buckshire Chimps Home at CSNW

July 17, 2008 • Posted in

We are happy to report that the last remaining chimpanzees from the Buckshire Corporation are now spending their first summer in the comfort of sanctuary at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest (CSNW) in Cle Elum, Washington. An exhausted but exuberant staff report that Annie, Negra, Missy, Jody, Jamie, Burrito and Foxie are settling in well after their cross-U.S. trek, arriving at CSNW on June 13th.

The group, now called the ‘Cle Elum Seven’, will live out the rest of their lives at the sanctuary, which offers them a drastic change from their years of laboratory confinement.   They will be able to sit in the sun, choose what they want to eat, and make night nests.  NEAVS/Project R&R was happy to contribute to the construction of both indoor and outdoor housing.  And,  we are sending bundles of cozy fleece blankets  - our NEAVS’ tradition to help assure that all chimpanzees rescued from labs have – at last – a good night’s sleep.

To learn more about these individuals and see photos and
video of the chimpanzees in their new sanctuary home visit: www.chimpsanctuarynw.org/blog.


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