November 6, 2015 • Posted in Action Alerts
Update 11/16/15 - The public comment period is now closed.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD is only open until November 16. You still have time to oppose Yerkes National Primate Research Center's application for a permit to ship 8 chimpanzees (now protected under the Endangered Species Act - ESA) to Wingham Wildlife Park, an unaccredited U.K. facility.
These 8 chimpanzees – Lucas, Fritz, Agatha, Abby, Tara, Faye, Elvira, and Georgia – who have spent their entire lives in a lab, deserve a home in a U.S. accredited sanctuary where they will get the highest level of care and security.
They need YOUR HELP! ALL captive chimpanzees deserve the FULL protection of the ESA. Chimpanzees retired from research must be afforded the dignity, care and comfort of truly being “retired” and not put on public display at a roadside zoo.
-- As an 'endangered' species, Yerkes' chimpanzees deserve the fullest protection of the ESA - placed in U.S. sanctuaries of the highest standards.
-- FWS must reject Yerkes' permit application to send chimpanzees overseas and out of the protection of U.S. law.
-- Approving the application would signal a weakening of their up-listed endangered status and set a dangerous precedent for other labs to follow.
-- FWS must not waiver from the true intent of the ESA and risk failing the very animals they agreed to protect.
We only have until November 16, 2015 – voice your opposition NOW to attempts by Yerkes to rid themselves of the very chimpanzees they profited from for decades! Thank you.
Theodora Capaldo, EdD