October 29, 2015 • Posted in Action Alerts
Update 11/16/15 - The public comment period is now closed.
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) a PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD on the Federal Register for Yerkes National Primate Research Center’s permit application request to export eight of its chimpanzees overseas to Wingham Wildlife Park, an unaccredited U.K. facility. WE ONLY HAVE UNTIL NOVEMBER 16, 2015 to voice opposition to Yerkes’ request to ship eight chimpanzees overseas in the guise of ‘enhancement of the survival of the species!’
NEAVS and its coalition of organizations challenge the permit request by Yerkes, which if granted will send chimpanzees out of the U.S. beyond protection of the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA). The application specifically indicates a breedable population of two males and six females; thereby, allowing for the possibility that an unaccredited wildlife park may ‘breed’ additional chimpanzees to be held in captivity -- doing nothing to enhance their survival in the wild. Further, the facility has no known experience providing for former laboratory or any other chimpanzees.
We ask NEAVS’ SUPPORTERS, to help get these and ALL captive chimpanzees the FULL protection of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and into U.S. sanctuaries – not shipped overseas. The E.U. already has numerous chimpanzees in desperate need of placements.
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PLEASE take five minutes and help us give the Yerkes’ eight and ALL former research chimpanzees a lifetime in the safety of the sanctuary they deserve!
(For permit application PRT - 69024B)
- As an “endangered” species, Yerkes’ chimpanzees deserve the fullest protection of the ESA.
- FWS must reject Yerkes’ permit application to send them overseas and out of the protection of U.S. law.
- Approving the application would signal a weakening of their uplisted endangered status and set a dangerous precedent for other labs!
- FWS must not allow any wavering from the true intent of the ESA and risk failing the very animals they agreed to protect.
Instead, we must do all we can to assure Yerkes’ chimpanzees are given the safety of U.S. sanctuaries - where they will benefit from the highest level of experienced and dedicated care available.
There is only a limited time for the public to voice opposition to attempts by Yerkes, until November 16th, 2015, and any other lab, to rid themselves of the very chimpanzees they exploited and profited from for decades.
We must demand that the FWS act within its legal obligation to provide the highest levels of protections captive chimpanzees are now entitled under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.