September 1, 2015 • Posted in Action Alerts
With your action, the USDA received well over 10,000 public comments on a Rulemaking Petition for the psychological well-being of all primates in labs.
The Petition, submitted by the New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS), the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance (NAPSA), the Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group (LPAG), and the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) seeks to assure that the psychological well-being of primates in labs – as already required by the Animal Welfare Act – is truly protected. Without the specific and enforceable regulations requested in the Petition, labs will continue to interpret the law to their convenience. Learn more.
"While this Rulemaking Petition will not get the monkeys out, it will go a long way in making their lives better while we work to that end. Join us in strengthening what laws we do have and the minimal protections they are meant to provide for animals in labs."
-NEAVS President Theodora Capaldo, EdD
Although the comment period has ended, NEAVS thanks you for lending your voice by submitting your comments in support of the Petition and asking the agency to fulfill its legal mandate to make certain that existing laws actually do help protect animals in labs.
You can review of all the final comments here.
Psychological suffering should not be minimized or tolerated. NEAVS will continue to keep our supporters – YOU – informed about the progress we are making for all primates and what YOU CAN DO to help!
Thank you for all you do for the animals!