Implementing the CHIMP Act The Case for Federally Promulgated Criteria to Immediately Retire Chimpanzees from Laboratories to Sanctuary

February 5, 2013 • Posted in Science Papers

Capaldo, T., Bailey, J., and Groff, K. (2012). Journal of Animal Welfare Law, Autumn 2012/Winter 2013.

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Over 900 chimpanzees continue to languish in laboratories in the U.S., the last remaining largescale user of chimpanzees for research.1 The U.S. government owns or financially supports nearly 600 of them.2 Some were wild-caught in Africa; others were born in a lab or sent from zoos, circuses, and animal trainers. Some were taught to communicate using sign language or raised in family settings - only to be sent into biomedical experimentation when funding ran out or they became too strong to manage. According to available information, more than one-third of all chimpanzees in laboratories - approximately 350 - are elderly3; the vast majority are not actively being used in research; most have been held for decades; and all are suffering. 

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