April 25, 2012 • Posted in

Gloria Grow with Jeannie Chimpanzee at Fauna Sanctuary
Photo: © Fauna Foundation
Bring In Their Own Words to your own community
We can bring In Their Own Words to a major city in your community if you can guarantee a minimum 200-member audience and raise funds or find a donor to help cover our travel costs. Please contact Project R&R at releasechimps@neavs.org or 617-523-6020 for details.
Organize an event in your area, or join us for this inspiring presentation at upcoming scheduled events around the United States and Canada (see schedule below).
About In Their Own Words
In Their Own Words, Project R&R's premiere educational event, is a unique opportunity to see inside the world of chimpanzees confined in laboratories and inside the lives of the lucky few who've made it into safe sanctuaries. Their experiences are told through the intimate personal accounts of former lab caregivers and sanctuary leaders who know them best. This moving presentation has inspired many to join the effort to end the use of chimpanzees in research.
At various presentations, former laboratory caregivers including Jen Feuerstein (formerly at Yerkes, now at Save the Chimps) and Nancy Megna (formerly at Yerkes and LEMSIP, now Project R&R Program Specialist) tell what life was like for the chimpanzees while in the lab(s) and share their own struggles with laboratory animal welfare practices, administrative inertia, and the toll taken on chimpanzees in biomedical and other research.
Fauna Foundation sanctuary founder and director Gloria Grow (and Project R&R advisory board member) picks up with stories of many of those same chimpanzees' new lives at the Fauna sanctuary. Through their eyes, you'll come to know Jeannie, Jaybee, Tom, Yoko, and other remarkable individuals.
Project R&R invites you to meet these remarkable speakers, Project R&R staff, and some wonderful chimpanzees, in an evening dedicated to sharing this important perspective on the human-chimpanzee relationship, the effects of captivity, and the struggle to leave the traumas, loneliness, and pain of a laboratory past behind.
In Their Own Words has inspired audiences in Boston, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, and New York City. Please check back regularly to see specific dates and new destinations.
Previous In Their Own Words engagements
- March 2007: Chicago, IL—presentation at the Chicago Cultural Center
- October 2006: Los Angeles, CA—Dr. Lorin Lindner, NEAVS Vice President, presented at Chimpanzoo, a program of the Jane Goodall Institute, at the Los Angeles Zoo
- September 2006: Washington, DC—presentation on Chimpanzee Plenary Panel at Taking Action for Animals conference
- April 2006: Atlanta, GA—campaign kickoff
- December 2005: Seattle, WA—Seattle Center
- October 2004: New York City—Park Central Hotel
- April 2004: Boston, MA—Omni Parker House
Please contact releasechimps@neavs.org or call 617-523-6020 for more information.