May 3, 2012 • Posted in Related News
Last month, the British Broadcasting Corporation reported on the success of campaigns to end the transportation of animals to laboratories in the United Kingdom. In Israel, the airline El Al refused to export animals for research and the High Court of Justice temporarily halted the export of 90 monkeys from a breeding farm to Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories in the U.S.
Help end airline transportation of primates for use in research. Ask airlines that still transport primates for research to implement an immediate ban on transporting monkeys for research. Contact the airlines now. The Animal Welfare Act provides minimal protections to animals in laboratories. Therefore, one of our priorities is promoting and mandating alternatives to animal testing. Find out about our Mandatory Alternatives Petition, which asks the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to mandate the use of scientifically proven testing methods that replace the use of animals. The use of animals, including monkeys, to meet FDA’s requirements for safety and efficacy of all new drugs and medical products accounts for thousands of deaths a year and it is not necessary. |
NEAVS on the road
NEAVS submitted comments to the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Council of Council committee reviewing the NIH’s use of chimpanzees and its promise to adhere to the recommendations set forth by the Institute of Medicine in their December 2011 report. Nearly 1,000 chimpanzees are currently warehoused in U.S. laboratories, and, as of May 2011, the U.S. government owned or supported 735 of these chimpanzees. NEAVS’ comments responded to specific questions from the NIH and reiterated the lack of necessity for research on chimpanzees both now and in the future. The committee is currently reviewing all comments.
Contact NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins and respectfully let him know that we appreciate NIH’s long overdue serious attention to this matter. Remind him that the 2013 timeline set for completion of NIH's review is too long for the many sick and elderly chimpanzees deserving of retirement now. |