April 7, 2012 • Posted in Reports
Original inspection reports are accessible through the links below (in PDF). Findings from the reports of particular concern and any specific references to chimpanzees are highlighted below. Learn more about MD Anderson here.
ADVISORY: In many cases, laboratories with seemingly innocuous inspection citations have been known to be or are in serious violation of humane standards of care, most of which are not even accounted for by federal law. If something is legal to do to an animal it will not be cited. But legality does not make it morally or humanely acceptable. Thus as you read these reports, bear in mind that laws "protecting" animals, as well as the inspection process to enforce these laws, are inadequate.
Please be advised that while NEAVS/Project R&R continues to closely monitor laboratory inspection reports, we are no longer updating this page as the information is now readily available to you through the USDA.
INSPECTION: November 7, 2002
SITE 002/Dept of Veterinary Sciences
No non-compliant items on this date.
INSPECTION: January 28, 2003
SITE 003/Department of Carcinogenesis
No non-compliant items on this date.
INSPECTION: May 6, 2003
SITE 001/MD Anderson Cancer Center
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee—Citations:
I received the last three semiannual facility reports and it was noted that the IACUC facility review failed to have specific plans and scheduled dates for correcting deficiencies. This noncompliant item was pointed out to the research compliance supervisor for correction in order to be in compliance with the animal welfare regulations. To be corrected by the next semiannual review.
Environment enhancement—Citations:
It was noted that Styrofoam and a block of damaged wood (probably due to chewing) were in the cage of one monkey. These enrichment devices are not acceptable because they are not digestible and they predispose the monkey to injury. To be corrected by 5/7/03.
INSPECTION: October 23, 2003
SITE 002/Dept of Veterinary Sciences
Housing facilities, general—Citations:
Cited for spilled feed on the floor and improper storage. Also…
Main Chimp Building: There are bags of cabbage stored on the floor of the cooler in the central kitchen. These bags need to be placed on pallets to prevent contamination of the cabbage. All of the above items were corrected during inspection.
INSPECTION: November 19, 2003
SITE 001/MD Anderson Cancer Center
Attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care—Citations:
It was noted that expired suture materials stored in a surgical room. These non-compliant items were pointed out to the AV which was removed immediately.
INSPECTION: April 12, 2004
SITE 003
No covered species present this day.
INSPECTION: November 9, 2004
SITE 001/MD Anderson Cancer Center
No non-compliant items.
INSPECTON: October 18, 2005
SITE 002/Dept of Veterinary Sciences
No non-compliant items identified this date.
INSPECTON: December 1, 2005
SITE 001/MD Anderson Cancer Center
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee—Citations:
…[T]he justification statement given for the study on non-rodent species failed to give a rationale for the animals involved and for the appropriateness of the non-rodent species and number of animals to be used. This non-compliance was pointed out to management to be corrected. TO BE CORRECTED BY 12/12/05.
Environment enhancement—Citations:
“It was noted during routine inspection that the records indicate food as the primary enrichment for the nonhuman primates. One of the six NHP lack dry toys within its primary enclosure, even though the animals are singly housed with visual contact. Management needs to develop, document, and follow appropriate plan for environment enhancement adequate to promote the psychological well-being of NHPs. Management did informed me that the animals’ enrichment would be diversified with music and television with improved documentation.”
INSPECTION: January 17, 2006
Site 003/Dept of Carcinogenesis-Science
No non compliant items.
INSPECTION: October 3, 2006
Site 002/Dept. of Veterinary Sciences—Science Park
No non compliant items.
INSPECTION: November 16, 2006
Site 001/MD Anderson Cancer Center
Environment enhancement—Citations:
During “During the routine inspection, it was noted that records indicated that the NHP would receive audio/visual enrichment on three different days a week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.) On the day of routine inspection, Thursday, the primates did not receive the scheduled video enrichment as documented in their records. Two out of six NHP lack dry toys within their primary enclosures, even though the animals are singly housed with visual contact. The primate enrichment records documented that some of the animals had received enrichment up till the 17th and/or 23rd of November (Thanksgiving Day.) These discrepancies in the records were pointed out and explained to management the need to follow their records as planned. Research facilities must develop, document, and follow appropriate plan for environment enhancement adequate to promote the psychological well-being of NHPs.”
INSPECTION: February 1, 2007
SITE 003/MD Anderson Cancer Center
No non-compliant items.
NEWS: USDA Fines MD Anderson in August 2008
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) fined the University of Texas’ M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center, Bastrop, for the March 2008 escape and shooting death of Tony. USDA cited M.D. Anderson’s Keeling Center for Comparative Medicine and Research for multiple violations of the Animal Welfare Act in three separate chimpanzee escapes, including failure to maintain secure enclosures and failure to handle animals in a manner that does not cause them harm.
Following the March shooting, NEAVS/Project R&R wrote to Dr. Barbara Alving, Director of the National Center for Research Resources asking that Bastrop be held accountable. The situation begs NCRR’s further attention since the facility has federally owned chimpanzees and several recently transferred to Bastrop from Primate Foundation of Arizona (PFA).
NEAVS/Project R&R asked NCRR:
- For a full independent investigation.
- If protocol was not followed, and the multiple escapes and shooting occurred because of negligence/avoidable error, to ask for Director Dr. Christian Abee’s resignation.
- And, to halt any new chimpanzee transfers to Bastrop.
INSPECTION: October 25, 2007
SITE 002/MD Anderson Cancer Center
Facilities, Indoor—Citations:
“Rabbit Room P6: There are several areas on the ceiling in the room where the paint is beginning to crack. These areas need to be repaired to maintain impervious surfaces.”
Housing Facilities, General—Citations:
“There is spilled feed on the floor of the dry food storage cooler in the warehouse. The spilled feed is from a torn bag of primate biscuits. The spilled feed needs to be removed from the floor of the cooler to avoid vermin infestation.”
INSPECTION: January 17, 2008
SITE 001/MD Anderson Cancer Center
Attending Veterinarian and Adequate Veterinary Care—Citations:
The Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service (APHIS)has no jurisdiction over facilities using expired medical materials for non-regulated animals or non-regulated activities. The expired medical materials (5 boxes of sutures) were pointed out to management. Discarded immediately.
INSPECTION: January 7, 2009
SITE 002/MD Anderson Cancer Center
Housing Facilities, General—Citations:
One enclosure in the Q buildings has rust that may be affecting the structural strength of the bars on the top of the enclosure. No animals were housed in this building at time of the inspection... Correct by: 4-09-09.
INSPECTION: October 5, 2009
SITE 002/MD Anderson Cancer Center
No non compliant items identified this date.
INSPECTION: July 13, 2010
SITE 001/MD Anderson Cancer Center
No non-compliant items identified during this inspection.
INSPECTION: May 23, 2011
SITE 003/MD Anderson Cancer Center
No non-compliant items identified during this inspection.
INSPECTION: June 21, 2011
SITE 001/MD Anderson Cancer Center
Facilities, General—Citations:
It was noted that two primary enclosures housing a pig each had a gap in the elevated flooring that predisposed the two pigs to injury. Management was informed that the facility must be constructed of such material and of such strength as appropriate for the animals involved. The indoor facility shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair to protect the animals from injury. Corrected immediately.
INSPECTION: September 28, 2011
SITE 004/MD Anderson Cancer Center
No non-compliant items identified during this inspection.