NEAVS / Project R&R sets the record straight

October 15, 2008 • Posted in Project R&R News

NEAVS/Project R&R made a factual and sharp response to an editorial in Nature Medicine (Volume 14, Number 8) – “When less is not more” – that advocated widespread experimentation using nonhuman primates (NHPs).

Our response, entitled, “Nonhuman primates mean less, not more, human medical progress” is authored by Jarrod Bailey, Ph.D., Project R&R’s Science Director and NEAVS’ president Theodora Capaldo, Ed.D. with co-authors from the HSUS and BUAV. The piece provides scientific rebuttal of points made in favor of NHP research in the Nature editorial. In particular, it highlights evidence of the failure of chimpanzee use, citing data from Project R&R’s investigations; addressing humane and ethical issues as well as promoting the use of scientifically superior alternatives.

NEAVS/Project R&R takes seriously our responsibility to fight science with science and set the record straight whenever, in our opinion, rhetoric and bias are passed off as good science. There are two sides to every story and it is time our side is heard. If you are a medical doctor, veterinarian, or scientist, join us in our “information campaign” by responding to any science/medical articles that you believe are incomplete or inaccurate!

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