October 4, 2012 • Posted in Related News
NEAVS is happy to announce we will offer five $400 scholarships to attend the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance's inaugural training workshop Nov. 13-14, 2012, in Tampa, FL. The scholarships include registration fee and assistance with transportation and/or accommodations. Interested applicants should:
Be currently working with primates rescued from research.
- Have a career commitment to animal care as evidenced by a minimum five years experience.
- Support NEAVS' mission to end all animal use in research and replace them with better and more humane science.
Please send your application addressing the criteria above and a short statement regarding why you work for animals from labs to: info@neavs.org with the subject "NEAVS Sanctuary Scholarship." Deadline is Oct. 17.
Thank you for your dedication to animals in and from labs and for your commitment to providing sanctuary care of excellence.
Theodora Capaldo, EdD
President and Executive Director
Awards require proof of registration. If not yet registered, $100 of the award will be sent directly to NAPSA. Awards will be made in the name of the sanctuary where you work. Any remaining unused funds revert to your sanctuary's general operating budget. In the event of your cancellation, the registration fee reverts to NAPSA's general operating budget.