April 7, 2012 • Posted in Reports
Original inspection reports are accessible through the links below (in PDF). Findings from the reports of particular concern and any specific references to chimpanzees are highlighted below. Learn more about NIRC here.
ADVISORY: In many cases, laboratories with seemingly innocuous inspection citations have been known to be or are in serious violation of humane standards of care, most of which are not even accounted for by federal law. If something is legal to do to an animal it will not be cited. But legality does not make it morally or humanely acceptable. Thus as you read these reports, bear in mind that laws "protecting" animals, as well as the inspection process to enforce these laws, are inadequate.
Please be advised that while NEAVS/Project R&R continues to closely monitor laboratory inspection reports, we are no longer updating this page as the information is now readily available to you through the USDA.
INSPECTION: September 17, 2003
No non-compliances.
INSPECTION: March 25, 2004
Housing facilities, general—Citations:
Building 10-B is a two story structure housing chimpanzees on both floors. There is a crack in floor-wall junction of second story. This wall is separated from chimps by a 3 foot wide corridor. Although this leak does not seem to allow effluent contact with chimps the potential is present and repair is necessary. Correct by 5-15-04.
Primary enclosures—Citations:
Failure to meet minimum cage size requirements for group-housed chimpanzees.
28 adult chimps housed in various groups in room 100. Cages have 43 square feet of floor space and are non-compliant if 2 or more chimps housed in enclosure. Room 103—2 chimps housed in 10 sq foot baboon cages which obviously does not meet space requirements. Room 200—31 adult chimps housed in various sized enclosures. Floor space adequate but vertical space is only 83 instead of 84 inches. Correct these [the above] non-compliances by 3-25-05. Supposedly, these citations will be corrected when the Primadomes are completed. [See next inspection: December 7, 2004]
The facility was given one year to correct these items by March 25, 2005. Later extended to August 26, 2005 while Primadomes are completed.
INSPECTION: December 7, 2004
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee—Citations:
Peeling paint in Buildings 27, 28 and 29 were cited in IACUC inspections of Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Spring 2004 and Fall 2004. There was obviously no emphasis placed on correction of these non-compliances by Institutional Official. Correct by 1-7-05.
Attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care—Citations:
Cited for not providing adequate veterinary care to an obviously neglected and emaciated mother chimpanzee with a 5 month old infant. When questioned, staff didn’t seem to be aware of the problem or have a plan in place for her care.
They [APHIS inspectors] observed an apparently very low weight female with a 5-month-old baby. When attendants were questioned about this animal the story was sketchy. It seems they were treating it [sic] with supportive therapy not officially prescribed by veterinary staff. Also, records indicated animal was released from clinic in October but was still physically there but not under a treatment regimen. We had trouble determining the exact status of this animal using either verbal information or records. Facility must establish more effective communication with veterinary staff and more detailed record keeping procedures in this area. Correct by 12-20-04.
Outdoor housing facilities—Citations
Providing insufficient heating for a population of 900 African Green monkeys housed outside.
900 African Green monkeys are housed in outdoor corn crib housing. Heat is provided using heating elements placed on outside of plastic barrels in mini cribs. These elements are too small to heat entire circumference of barrels therefore heat only one side. Elements need to be large enough and of sufficient heating capacity to warm entire barrel to keep animals warm. Correct by 1-7-05. Some of the elements mentioned above are broken and need to be replaced. Correct by 1-7-05.
Primary enclosures—Citations:
These non-compliances have not been corrected since last inspection but have until March 25, 2005 correction date to be corrected. Correction procedures involve building of primadomes and planned relocation of some of these affected chimps to Chimp Haven upon completion. Primadome construction is on time and should be completed by March 2005 at which time affected chimps will be relocated to compliant housing.
Environment enhancement to promote psychological well-being—Citations:
The environment of single-housed primates is rather mundane. About 10 percent or fewer cages have a swinging perch. The bulk of enrichment is food supplements and some toys. A greater emphasis will need to be placed on more innovative and imaginative enrichment procedures.
Cleaning, sanitation, housekeeping and pest control—Citations:
Cited for wetting animals with hoses during cleaning. Seven citations for improperly sanitizing cages and animals’ living quarters:
This facility cleans cages daily using disinfectant solution followed by hosing. We observed several wet primates shortly after or during cleaning and hosing. Ceilings of some rooms in Buildings 31 & 37 have mold growth on ceilings. This is evidence of failure to control humidity and/or failure to clean adequately.
INSPECTION: July 19, 2005
Primary enclosures—Citations:
25 adult chimps housed in various groups in room 100 of Building 10. Cages provide 43 square feet of floor space and are non-compliant if 2 or more chimps housed in enclosure. 28 adult chimps housed in various sized enclosures in room 200 of Building 10. Floor space is adequate but vertical space is 83 instead of 84 inches high.
INSPECTION: July 26, 2006
All items in compliance this date
INSPECTION: May 23, 2007
Housing facilities, general—Citations:
[Cited for drainage and waste disposal problems.] All drains must be properly constructed, installed and maintained… standing puddles of water in animal areas must be mopped up or drained so that the animals stay dry.
For outdoor corrals housing rhesus macaques… these areas must be configured to allow for rapid drainage of water to allow animals to remain dry at time of capture and to minimize water sources for vermin. Correct by: 6-30-07.
Primary enclosures—Citations:
Indoor/outdoor facility housing approximately 28 chimpanzees… in Room 101 in Building 10 has peeled paint and pitted concrete surfaces which preclude adequate cleaning and sanitation. This can be harmful to the chimps housed within by serving as a reservoir for disease agents which would be killed with proper sanitation. Correct by: 7-30-07. [The same situation applies for the indoor macaque housing and for another animal enclosure, all to be corrected by 7-30-07.]
INSPECTION: September 19, 2008
All items in compliance this date.
INSPECTION: March 5, 2009
Focused inspection of allegations in SAEN Complaint. All items in compliance.
INSPECTION: March 17, 2009
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)—Citation:
Methods used to sedate chimpanzees that are housed in social groups may cause more than momentary or slight pain and distress. We were unable to view the sedation technique used at this institution because it was not occurring during the inspection. The act of sedating a non human primate with darts while in social groups may cause distress because the animals are fearful of the darting apparatus? used. The primates recognize the darting apparatus? and the entire social group may behave in an exaggerated distressful manner as a result. There is also a possibility of an animal falling from perches, benches, or other overhead structures causing injury as a result of an uncontrolled fall. There was no written narrative description of the methods and sources used to determine that alternatives were not available. The principal investigator must consider alternatives to procedures that may cause more than momentary or slight pain or distress for the animals. Correct by July 30, 2009.
Attending Veterinarian and Adequate Veterinary Care—Citation:
Three adult primates individually housed with nursing infants were under sedation in their primary enclosures without adequate monitoring. Each animal was not responsive to our presence or the vigorous attempts of the infant to arouse their mother. One of the sedated primates had their head pressed into the side of the enclosure possibly obstructing breathing. Monitoring in this manner was identified in separate areas of the facility grounds by two different inspection teams of the same day. Monitoring of animals under sedation must be done according to current established veterinary procedures. Correct by April 10, 2009.
Outdoor Housing Facilities—Citation:
A percentage of African Green Monkeys were identified with portions of their tails amputated. Some of these tails were amputated as a result of trauma and others were amputated as a result of frostbite. The heating of outside enclosures does not allow for the prevention of frostbite to all extremities of these primates. The African Green Monkeys must be housed in such a manner that affords them an increased protection from the elements preventing frostbite of extremities. Correct by October 30,2009 but prior to the cold season.
Environment Enhancement to Promote Psychological Well-Being:—Citation:
Primates that are on research studies were individually housed without including exemptions from participating in social groups or pair housing. Records of these exemptions were not maintained by the research facility. The protocols did allow for active participation in enrichment programs but did not address an exemption from social housing. The facility did indicate during the course of the inspection that social or pair housing of macaques was done routinely, unless it was scientifically justified not to do so. The inspection of the facility housing macaques on active research studies revealed no macaques in social or pair housing. We were also told by individuals escorting us around the facility that all animals on study were required to be housed individually. This institution must justify single housed animals and maintain records as to why animals are single housed. Scientific justifications for individually housing must be reviewed by the IACUC committee prior to approval. Correct by September 30, 2009.
INSPECTION: April 30, 2009
This inspection was conducted as a result of the inspection that occurred on 17 march 2009. There were citations on that inspection report that were direct non compliant items (nci's). A follow up inspection is required at least 45 days after the initial inspection. All citations on the previous inspection report were reviewed and addressed appropriately by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
INSPECTION: September 20, 2010
No non-compliant items identified during this inspection.
INSPECTION: May 31, 2011
Attending Veterinarian and Adequate Veterinary Care—Citation:
Facility Director self-reported the deaths of 3 Rhesus monkeys which became trapped in a chute in one of the outdoor breeding colonies. The remains were autolyzed therefore they had been trapped for some time and not properly monitored. This is a violation of the daily observation regulation.
INSPECTION: July 14, 2011
Attending Veterinarian and Adequate Veterinary Care—Citation:
Outdated vials of Oxytocin, antibiotics and fiber supplement were found in three separate clinical support areas. Any outdated drugs must be discarded or marked expired and separated from in date supplies. Facility must institute an ongoing method for maintaining drugs within their efficacious dates and discard expired drugs. Corrected during inspection.