April 7, 2012 • Posted in Reports
Original inspection reports are accessible through the links below (in PDF). Findings from the reports of particular concern and any specific references to chimpanzees are highlighted below. Learn more about Southwest here.
ADVISORY: In many cases, laboratories with seemingly innocuous inspection citations have been known to be or are in serious violation of humane standards of care, most of which are not even accounted for by federal law. If something is legal to do to an animal it will not be cited. But legality does not make it morally or humanely acceptable. Thus as you read these reports, bear in mind that laws "protecting" animals, as well as the inspection process to enforce these laws, are inadequate.
Please be advised that while NEAVS/Project R&R continues to closely monitor laboratory inspection reports, we are no longer updating this page as the information is now readily available to you through the USDA.
INSPECTION: August 13, 2003
SITE 001/Military Dr. Loop 410
Housing facilities, general—Citation:
Chimp Building 23: There are many pitted areas on the concrete curb by the indoor enclosures. These areas need to be repaired to facilitate cleaning. Correct by 9-13-03.
There are spilled monkey biscuits on the floor of the main food storage building. This will serve as an attractant for pests. There is an open bag of grain in the cold storage cooler for Building 23/24. All open bags need to be placed in containers with lids and spilled feed cleaned up to prevent contamination of the feed by pests. Correct by 8-15-03.
INSPECTION: July 15, 2003
SITE 001/Military Dr. Loop 410
Housing facilities, general—Citation:
The walls in the hospital ward have paint which has chipped. This makes it difficult to sanitize the room properly. There are areas by the air vent where the wall board is broken and sagging due to water leakage. This area can not be properly cleaned. The wall board which has been damaged by water may provide an environment for growth of mold which may lead to health problems for the animals. Correct by 8-15-03.
Sheltered housing facilities—Citation:
The light fixtures are old in this facility and some have broken when the bulbs have been changed. The lighting in the facility will not be adequate when the side walls are down in cool weather.
INSPECTION: July 1, 2004
SITE 001/Military Dr. Loop 410
Housing Facilities: General—Citation:
The chain link fencing on the front of C6 cages needs to be repaired. There are weak areas and small gaps in the chain link fencing where 2 sections join. The fence is bowing out along these areas. The fencing needs to be repaired to maintain structural strength and prevent escape or injury of the animals. Correct by 8-2-04.
Chimp Building 7 - The paint is chipping on the walls in several of the indoor chimp holding enclosures. Surfaces need to be repaired so they may be readily sanitized. Correct by 8-2-04. During heavy rains there is a drainage problem in the chimp condos. The sewer system is backing up into some of the chimp huts. A plan has been developed to enlarge the system which would prevent this problem but work has not yet been completed. The Regional Office in Ft Collins shall be notified of the expected completion date for the sewer upgrade project. Correct by 8-2-04.
Cleaning, sanitation, housekeeping and pest control—Citation:
The facility has an ongoing pest control program in place however [sic] roaches are a problem in Building 8 hospital bays. Many roaches were seen crawling on the walls in one bay.
INSPECTION: July 2, 2004
SITE 002/Brooks AFB
Housing facilities, general—Citation:
Due to recent heavy rains the roof has leaked causing damage to one section of the ceiling in the hospital ward. Correct by 8-2-04.
INSPECTION: July 21, 2005
SITE 001/Military Dr Loop 410
Housing facilities, general—Citation:
The chain link fencing is in need of repair in several of the baboon enclosures. The chain link fencing has been patched but there are gaps and the fence is weak in the patched areas. Problems with the fencing were noted in these enclosures: B3, B4, C-9, D-16, and the alley way of the D enclosures.
The roof is leaking in several areas of the facility. Water from recent rains is a problem in the following areas: NICU: [neonatal intensive care unit]. Front room has one area where the floor was wet and a trash can was being used to collect water from the ceiling. Buildling [sic] 6 Back Hall: There is standing water on the floor next to the wall. The molding against the ceiling is beginning to rot due to water leaking from the roof. These areas need to be repaired to prevent mold and structural damage from developing. Correct by 8-21-05.
Building 23/24: the flooring in the outside cage wash area has eroded and cannot be properly sanitized due to the uneven surface. This area needs to be repaired so proper husbandry may be conducted. Correct by 8-21-05.
INSPECTION: February 8, 2006
SITE 001/Military Dr Loop 410
No noncompliant items identified this date. Inspection was only of the new SPF rhesus colony.
INSPECTION: July 13, 2006
SITE 001/Military Dr Loop 410
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee—Citation:
One protocol [redacted] on the same animal. An exemption for multiple surgeries needs to be requested from the Administrator. Correct by 8-13-06
Attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care—Citation:
There were outdated drugs present in the hospital treatment room. Outdated drugs need to be removed from current supplies. Corrected during inspection.
Housing facilities, general—Citation:
The following areas need to be repaired or replaced to prevent injury to the animals and to maintain the structural strength. B cages: loose tin was present on the top of the enclosures and animals were observed manipulating the sharp edges of the tin. C cages: The chain link fencing is bowing and weakening on the front of the middle enclosures. 4.03: The wood is rotting on the bottom of the doors to this area. Correct By 8-13-06
Rust is developing on the steel beams in the chimp outside play area. This needs to be repaired to prevent deterioration. Correct By: 8-13-06. A portable shelf containing food and other items for non human primates was stored in the room used for x-ray. These items need to be stored in an area which is away from animal use areas to maintain husbandry. Correct By: 7-14-06.
INSPECTION: November 28, 2006
Site 001/Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee—Citation (repeat NCI):
[Regarding multiple surgeries] This was identified as a non compliant item of 7-13-06 with a correction date of 8-13-06. The Regional Office has not yet received the exemption request. At time of this inspection, it was stated that the exemption letter would be mailed soon.
INSPECTION: April 3, 2007
Site 001/Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee—Citations (repeat NCI):
A male baboon was presented for necropsy and tissue collection on August 28, 2006. The animal had been sedated and then injected with euthanasia solution prior to necropsy, however the animal was actually in a deep state of anesthesia and not deceased at the time the necropsy began. The pathologist detected a faint femoral pulse approximately 10 minutes after the necropsy and tissue harvest was started. Failure to determine the death of an animal prior to necropsy beginning is a significant program deficiency. The IACUC did not identify this departure from adherence to the regulations in any of its semiannual reports to the Institutional Official. ..Correct By: 5-25-07
Facts concerning the incident were gathered by the attending veterinarian but there was no further investigation into the incident by the IACUC. There is no record that the full IACUC was notified of the incident. The IACUC must review and if warranted investigate all concerns involving care and use of animals at the facility…Correct By: 5-25-07
The principal investigator did not consider alternatives to giving only the minimum dose of euthanasia agent used on this protocol. The use of an alternative may have prevented the occurrence of this incident. The PI must consider alternatives or provide a written narrative description of the methods and sources used to determine that an alternative was not available. Correct By: 5-25-07
[Regarding multiple surgeries] This was identified as a non compliant item of 7-13-06 with a correction date of 8-13-06. The regional animal care specialist has requested additional information from the facility prior to granting a variance. The protocol is on going and at least one animal involved in this protocol has had a second survival surgery since 7-13-06.
Euthanasia means the humane destruction of an animal accomplished by a method that produces rapid unconsciousness and subsequent death without evidence of pain or distress. The euthanasia of one baboon was not accomplished as described above as it was not dead prior to the start of the necropsy procedure. There was no scientific justification for a deviation in this case…Correct By: 5-25-07
Personnel qualifications — Citations:
No facility employee, Committee member, or laboratory personnel shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting violations of any regulation or standards under the Act. New employee training SOP does not address the method of reporting deficiencies in animal care. The SOP has recently been updated…[and] needs to be approved by the IACUC and adopted by the facility. All personnel must be aware of the SOP regarding the proper reporting of animal care and treatment concerns. Correct By: 5-25-07
Attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care—Citation:
Performing a necropsy on a living animal even when it is anesthetized does not constitute adequate veterinary care. Guidance must be provided to all involved in animal euthanasia and necropsy to ensure that such incidents never occur again and to ensure that adequate veterinary care is maintained. Correct By: 5-27-05.
INSPECTION: June 14, 2007
Site 001/ Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
Housing facilities, general—Citations:
Cracks have developed in the flooring in E Cages housing baboons. Cracks in the floor allow accumulation of debris and make it difficult to clean and sanitize the enclosure. The surfaces must be maintained in good repair to allow them to be readily cleaned and sanitized. Correct By: 7-14-07
Green and red algae are present on the floor at the front edge and drains of C 6 baboon enclosures. The presence of algae indicates a constantly wet or poor draining area. The algae needs to be removed and the area cleaned at such frequency to prevent this problem to satisfy husbandry practices. Correct By: 6-18-07. There is spilled food and vegetable peelings on the floor of the food storage area in the infectious disease area. This serves as an attractant for pests. Sacks of primate diets are stacked next to the wall in the food storage area in the chimp building. This does not allow for proper cleaning around the supplies… Correct By: 6-18-07
Sheltered housing facilities—Citation (repeat NCI):
The lights in Area 31 housing baboons do not supply sufficient illumination. Inspection was conducted midmorning on a sunny day and this area was dimly lit despite the lights present in the area. The IACUC has identified this as a significant problem on the last inspection…Correct By: 7-14-07
INSPECTION: November 20, 2007
Site 001/ Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
No noncompliant items identified this date. IACUC minutes from 9/25/07 were reviewed. Inspection was only of the new SPF rhesus colony.
INSPECTION: April 24, 2008
Site 001/ Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
Housing facilities, general—Citation:
B cages: Several sheets of sheet metal which act as shade structures for B cages housing baboons are torn and no longer securely attached to the top of the cage. Adult corral: There is one area at the bottom of the wall by the holding area in the adult corral where the metal is deteriorating leaving jagged edges. These are both areas for potential animal injury. The sheet metal needs to be repaired or replaced to provide a safe environment for the animals. Correct By: 5-24-08.
Cleaning, Sanitization, Housekeeping, and Pest Control—Citation:
Building 4/03: The air vent in the animal room is caked with dust and debris and needs to be cleaned. All surfaces in animal rooms need to be cleaned on a regular schedule to maintain husbandry. Correct By: 4-25-08.
INSPECTION: May 13, 2009 - May 18, 2009
Site 001/ Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)—Citation:
One animal observed had alopecia and stereotypic circling behavior. The IACUC approved Protocol (1055MM) stated that animals will be pair housed during the course of the study. The animals that we observed on this study were singly housed in the same room. There was no scientific justification for single housing these animals as indicated by the initial protocol. Any modifications of an IACUC approved protocol must be reviewed and approved by the IACUC prior to implementation. Correct By: 6/14/09.
Housing Facilities, General—Citation:
B Cages #6 Baboons from normally housed in this enclosure were in the holding chute while their primary enclosure was being cleaned. The drain had malfunctioned allowing waste water to accumulate in the chute containing the animals. The animals were standing in several inches of fecal/food contaminated water and their hair coats were wet. The animals were moved upon caretaker notification of the problem. All drains must be kept in working order and holding areas checked for standing water prior to the release of animals into them to minimize contamination and disease risk to the animals. Corrected During Inspection.
Environment Enhancement to Promote Psychological Well-Being—Citation:
Two Baboons were housed in the same room but had no visual contact with each other. The enclosures faced the same direction and there were no mirrors in the room. There is no exemption on file for these animals to have no visual contact with each other. These 2 animals must be allowed visual contact with each other. Correct By: 5/21/09.
INSPECTION: February 28, 2010
Site 001/ Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
Housing Facilities, General—Citation:
Several weeks ago a young rhesus gained access to the outdoor area of the enclosure at night when temperatures were below freezing. The animal was found moribund the next morning and was euthanized. The animals in that group had been shut in the heated area of the enclosure for the night but gained access to the outdoor part of the enclosure by manipulating the closed door. All doors have no been equipped with a rod which may prevent the animals from opening the doors to the outside area of the enclosure but there is still concern that the animals may be able to manipulate the door in such a way it would open. The doors to the outside area of the enclosures need to be corrected in such a way that animals cannot reach any part of the opening mechanism to prevent injury to the animals. Correct By: 4-1-2010.
INSPECTION: May 13, 2010
Site 001/ Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
Handling of Animals—Citation:
Recently, an incident occurred during shifting baboons to a lockout area during cage cleaning. Employees were injured by the baboons who briefly escaped the enclosure. The escape resulted from a shifting practice in which employees sometime enter the enclosure when a baboon is still present and the shift door is open. SOPs for shifting non human primates during cage cleaning must be reviewed and modified to ensure proper handling practices. Corrected By: 6-13-2010.
INSPECTION: July 28, 2010
Site 001/ Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
Cleaning, Sanitization, Housekeeping, and Pest Control—Citation (repeat):
Building 6: Housekeeping was also problem on inspection of 5-13-09 and is once again a problem. Tables in the hallway outside each animal room are cluttered with supplies. One table contained black bananas, a hemostat and a bag of IV fluids labeled fro animal use. Cleaning supplies are mixed with food, medical supplies, medical record books as well as PPE equipment. Discarded equipment was laying in the hallway. Housekeeping must be intensified in this building and maintained to facilitate husbandry practice.
INSPECTION: August 17, 2010
Site 001/ Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
No non-compliant items identified during this inspection.
INSPECTION: September 7, 2011
Site 001/ Southwest Found. for Biomed. Research
This was a focused inspection of the 14 chimpanzees from Alamogordo. All regulatory issues regarding these chimpanzees were inspected and reviewed. No non compliant items were identified at the time of this inspection.