Center for Great Apes

Patti Ragan, Director
Center for Great Apes
PO Box 488
Wauchula, FL 33873

This beautiful Florida sanctuary is home to 45 great apes, including Butch and Chipper, two chimpanzees, and Mari, an orangutan, all former laboratory subjects. The sanctuary consists of over 100 lush acres resembling tropical forests. The apes all live in species-specific social groups in large outdoor enclosures where they spend much of their time. Residents are provided with an extensive 3500-foot overhead tunnel system, which allows the chimpanzees and orangutans to travel at will throughout the grounds. During the two hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004, the Center lost nearly 50 percent of its trees, which provided much-needed shade for residents. Extensive replanting and the new plantings have once again created a wonderful tropical setting. Director Patti Ragan (Project R&R Advisory Board member) is committed to helping all great apes including those from research, though the majority of her residents are from the entertainment and “pet” industries. The Center is currently home to chimpanzees and orangutans.

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