**For more recent news about chimpanzees and the other animals NEAVS is helping, please visit http://www.neavs.org/news.**
- Sep 05, 2006 • Press Releases:
Experts Call Upon Labs to Release Elder Chimpanzees
Boston, MA―September 5, 2006―While the American public believes that chimpanzees used for research for more than ten years should be retired, 12 elder chimpanzees have remained in U.S. laboratories for 40Read More…
{/exp:chopper} - Aug 31, 2006 • Press Releases:
A Chimpanzee’s Life: 52 Years in a Lab
Lab realities conflict with public opinionBoston, MA—August 29, 2006—Wenka, 52 years old, was born in the nation’s first chimpanzee laboratory in Orange Park, Florida, in 1954. She was sold as a “petRead More…
{/exp:chopper} - Jun 20, 2006 • Press Releases:
Poll reveals: Americans agree: chimpanzees in laboratories for more than 10 years should be retired
Boston, MA——June 20, 2006—Nearly three-fourths of the American public (71%) believes that a chimpanzee used for more than 10 years in research should be retired. Preliminary estimates of chimpanzeesRead More…
{/exp:chopper} - May 10, 2006 • Press Releases:
NEAVS Announces Website Dedicated to Ending Chimpanzee Research in the U.S.
ReleaseChimps.org exposes the research life of chimpanzees, provides activist tools to build public support, and shares stories of rescue May 9, 2006, Boston, MA—Project R&R: Release andRead More…
{/exp:chopper} - Apr 05, 2006 • Press Releases:
Campaign to End Chimpanzee Research in the U.S. Launches April 20th in Atlanta
Poll shows overwhelming support for release of chimpanzees used more than 10 years April 5, 2006 (Boston, MA)―One of the nation’s oldest animal protection organizations is headed to Atlanta, Georgia,Read More…