**For more recent news about chimpanzees and the other animals NEAVS is helping, please visit http://www.neavs.org/news.**
- Sep 27, 2012 • Press Releases:
NIH must retire chimpanzees not needed for research to sanctuary
Rulemaking Petition holds government accountable Sept. 27, 2012 – Boston, Mass. – Following the National Institutes of Health decision to retire 110 chimpanzees in laboratories and designate them no longer available for research,Read More…
{/exp:chopper} - Jan 25, 2012 • Press Releases:
Chimpanzees and Bad Research: It’s in the Genes
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOSTON, MA (January 2012)—A new paper, “Lessons from Chimpanzee-Based Research on Human Disease: the Implications of Genetic Differences” published in the international journalRead More…
{/exp:chopper} - Dec 15, 2011 • Press Releases:
NEAVS/Project R&R responds to IOM chimpanzee report
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Chimps Hear the Good News: IOM Concludes “…chimpanzees [are] not necessary…” BOSTON, MA—(December 15, 2011)—The National AcademyRead More…
{/exp:chopper} - Jan 05, 2011 • Project R&R News:
Alamogordo Chimpanzee Reprieve
2011 is off to a hopeful start for 186 chimpanzees at Alamogordo Primate Facility (APF), who have been granted a reprieve from transfer to a Texas laboratory for use in invasive research. Read More…
{/exp:chopper} - Mar 05, 2009 • Press Releases:
Great Ape Protection Act Introduced
Boston, MA―March 5, 2009―The Great Ape Protection Act (GAPA), H.R. 1326 was introduced today in Congress. Project R&R: Release and Restitution for Chimpanzees in U.S. LaboratoriesRead More…